See which loan program is best suited for you and your family.
Opening the Doors to Homeownership
Home loans insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) can make it easier for you to qualify to purchase or refinance a home. This loan option offers flexible qualification guidelines to help people who may not qualify for a conventional mortgage.
FHA loans are widely used by first-time homebuyers and people with low-to-moderate incomes since this government-insured mortgage features:
Low down payments
Flexible income and credit requirements
Fixed- and adjustable-rate mortgages
Loans for 1-4 unit properties and condos may be available
Down payment funds can be a gift from a relative or employer*
Home sellers can contribute up to 6% of the closing costs
*Subject to underwriting review and approval.
If you are interested in a FHA loan, please contact Lake Tahoe Mortgage.